Garden under cover before winter

Garden under cover before winter

A garden under cover before winter could still be developed. The interruption will not last long, but it will allow gardeners to get revitalized following intensive months of cultivation. For those who wish to keep gardening and take care of their plot, the ideal support will be a polytunnel to protect hardy plants from frost and snow. Thanks to it, owners will have the opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables throughout the year. This time in this Krosagro blog, we will talk about how to use greenhouses off season.

Garden under cover before winter in a polytunnel

At the very end of the growing season, it is advisable to prepare your polytunnel for winter. Tasks include: washing pots, cleaning and sterilizing of tools, repairing foil, purging the irrigation system and tightening all construction elements. All plant residues should be removed and empty cultivation sites fertilized. Covering persistent and thermophilic varieties with foil, mulch or garden fabric will also be required. This will prevent damage caused by low temperature. Polytunnels are then ready for winter. But what if you want to keep cultivating?

Growing plants in winter inside a greenhouse

The foil cover creates a favorable micro climate. In winter, the temperature in the tunnel is much warmer than outside. Thanks to this, even without additional heating, some plants can thrive. Monitoring humidity becomes very important when cultivating all year round. Substantial variations occur in spring and autumn, between cold conditions in the morning and sunshine heating up the greenhouse during the day. It’s recommended to ventilate the tunnel every now and then. Constant high moisture concentration can be harmful. Crops are likely to deteriorate and are more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Planting under cover in winter

In order for crops to grow successfully, one should focus on the thermal insulation of the tunnel. It is essential to collect a maximum of heat, while releasing it as slowly as possible. Agrotextile can be spread on the ground, to limit water evaporation as well as retain accumulated heat in the soil. The next layer then consists of transparent and insulating bubble wrap, energy screens, etc. Moreover, it is very important to choose frost-resistant plants that will complete all stages of growth, despite low temperatures. Fortunately, nature provides us a wide choice. We treated them in the article Winter crops in a polytunnel, which we encourage you to read.

Polytunnel frame for winter

Structures available from Krosagro are protected against corrosion by a layer of zinc. Depending on the model, it is achieved by galvanization or hot dip galvanization. This protects them from corrosion, arising from moisture that can accumulate during production. It can be the result of plant growth, atmospheric conditions outside the greenhouse, changing seasons, watering, etc. The most exposed elements are those in direct contact with the ground. Hot dip galvanizing slows down the aging process, extending service life of structures, guaranteeing their durability for many seasons.

Modular garden greenhouses

However, an interruption of activity after a full growing season might be needed. Then, as crops are safe, one has two options. One of them is to remove the foil and leave the structure outside, just making sure that the wind does not blow the protective cover left on the plants. A well-anchored structure should be able to withstand the weather conditions affecting it. The second solution is to leave the foil to cover crops permanently. Therefore, it becomes necessary to remove snow from the cover. Regardless of the solution, it is worth taking care of your greenhouse at the end of the season.

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