How To Cover A Greenhouse 

how to cover a greenhouse

Covering your greenhouse is a simple task, but we cannot omit the fact that there are still people who do it all wrong. That is why this is a helpful guide for you to know on how to cover a greenhouse.

There are two basic methods that you need to know so that you can have a good cover for your plants. Namely, these are staples and screws and lock channels and wiggle wire method.

Let’s understand more about how to cover a greenhouse using the steps below:


How To Use Staple And Screws Method 

This type of method is probably the cheapest method of all. It is used to attach the plastic films to its frames. However, certain disadvantages will hinder your 100% satisfactory level. The small holes that are created on the surface of the plastic are one of the examples.

I will give you a few guidelines to be successful in covering your greenhouse while using this method. Here are the steps on how to cover a greenhouse:


#1 Check the edges of the pipes


The first thing you have to do is make sure that the pipes (PVC or any other pipes depending on your preference) are free from sharp edges. Since you are dealing with plastic, being convinced of this matter is an essential thing.

It is also a nice thing if the pipes are well painted to have no abrasions and no heat build-up.


#2 Place the plastic roll on the frames

Next is for you to put the plastic roll on the frames using a ladder. You have to climb up of your greenhouse so that you can perform this step. Also, make sure that you have a sturdy position for the ladder to avoid any injuries in the future. There is a tendency to slide down, so better be firm on end to prevent accidents.


#3 Ensure that position of the plastic films

The third thing that you have to do is to let the plastic films slide down until the edge of the steel frame. It should be equal on all sides, and the plastic material should reach the ground for it to permit a maximum allowance of space.


#4 See to it that the structure is entirely covered with plastic

The plastic has to be rolled down on either side of the frame. By this moment, all structures have to be covered with plastic.


#5 Tighten the surface

The next step that you have to do is to pull it down until it is firm enough at the end and is touching the ground. You’ll know it is free from excess because the surface is tight.


#6 Secure the cover

To secure your cover, the wood lath should be held against the end of the plastic. Nailing it with the use of a hammer is what you need to do right after.


#7 Staple loose ends

For the last step, staples are the ones that fasten the loose ends. As for the other points, these steps need to be done repeatedly for the best results.


How To Use Lock Channel And Wiggle Wire Method 

The technicalities that you have to know about this method are relatively little. This method makes the plastic cover free from holes that are caused by drills. That is why it is one of the basics of how to cover a greenhouse.


#1 Make sure the frames are properly attached

Just like the previous method, you have to pay attention to the frames to do proper attachments. If not, you cannot perform this task correctly, which will lead you to further difficulties while doing this method.


#2 Place plastic rolls on the frame

Next is you have to place the rolls of plastic on the said frames starting from the topmost part. Then, allow it to roll down until it touches the ground.


#3 Place the wire

For the next step, put the wire at the end of every frame, and you have to keep in mind that it should be attached to all four edges. It should not just be in between the length and the breadth. If you fail to do this, you won’t have a firm output that may result in a lousy covering for your greenhouse.


#4 Stretch the plastic

Using your one hand, stretch the plastic and wiggle the wire by also using your other free hand. It should be in U form on the plastic film with a uniform motion. Make sure that you are doing it relatively so that you can attain a perfect result on each of the frames.


#5 Repeat

Finally, repeat these steps as you do it on each of the wires. It has to be uniform so that it will give you the best results that you undoubtedly desire.


Final Words

Since plastics are very affordable in price, it is a practical choice to cover your greenhouse; probably, it’s a must have if you want to know how to cover a greenhouse.

Well, those people with a low budget yet want to have housing for the plants will have the best advantage because plastics do not cost too much. Another beneficial characteristic of plastics is that it can be reused.

Some may think that it is not durable, but if you know how to eye for high-quality plastic, you are on the right track. Good quality ones can last for up to four years, even if exposed in the harsh sunlight.

Now that you already know how to cover a greenhouse, you can ensure the safety of your plants.

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