Urban gardening under cover is not a completely new concept, but it has recently become extremely popular. After years of living in an environment dominated by concrete and grey colors, people need more green energy. Not just parks, but real products: plants and vegetables that will grow in their own garden, to be later used in the kitchen.
Ecological gardens are becoming more and more fashionable. This is a solution for those who are not satisfied with just buying BIO food. Not only suburban residents can afford to follow this new eating habit. Many communities create plot locations for their residents, allowing a small site, for a polytunnel and garden crates. Such social gardens create a bond between people and also enable a more active life.
Urban gardening under cover
Once, having small gardens in the city was necessary for a direct access to vegetables. There were not so many products in stores, and their availability depended mainly on the season. Today, shelves are filled with fruits from around the world, and the only challenge is to put them in the shopping basket. One might think that many people gave up on gardening. The most persistents did not stop growing in their gardens, transmitting their passion to the next generations. Everyone wants to eat healthy, but organic food is costly. There is no guarantee that the product is healthy. The sticker itself does not make it ecological, nor the growing process. You can be sure only when you collect fresh fruit or pick the vegetable from the ground yourself.
Crops under cover
Why choose a small polytunnel for urban gardening? For work comfort as well as plant safety. In a sense, both aspects are achieved by the foil. Plastic film applied to the steel structure protects the crop against weather conditions that could harm them : low temperatures, frost, hail and snow. The foil separates the cultivated site from the outside. A microclimate inside can be fully controlled by the gardener . This enables the creation of optimal conditions for plants, leading to abundant yields.
Accessories for polytunnels
Air circulation in the tunnel is very important for plant growth. The excess of heat in the greenhouse is removed from the facility by activating the openings. It is a similar process in case of high humidity. With the help of a crank, an air flow is created from both sides of the greenhouse. Such ventilation is essential during long rainy days, as well as hot summer when heat is intense. The insect net placed behind the foil contribute to restrict access to crops for parasites, pests and birds.
Advantages of cultivation under cover
In addition to these positive effects on plants, the cover also has a more practical application. It protects the gardener from bad weather. Ventilation regulates the temperature, so work inside is more comfortable. The membrane stores heat during the day. Thanks to this, the crop does not waste energy to protect itself from the cold. In early spring, plants that begin to grow are exposed to frost. Thanks to the tunnel foil, low temperatures have no effect on vegetables, flowers and shrubs inside a greenhouse.
How to start urban gardening?
It depends if you own the plot. If so, then the matter is simple. Just to choose a site, prepare garden boxes, and in a nearby location, assemble a greenhouse. If, however, you do not have your own garden, community gardens operate in some cities. Local people and flat owners apply for a piece of land. As soon as they get one, they set up a garden. Some activities can be co-financed by local authorities or other means. Such social gardens connect people who have a common passion.
Garden under cover
Once the site is ready, it’s time to install the greenhouse. The whole process is incredibly simple. Just sort the elements sent by the polytunnel manufacturer and follow the instructions. The whole process is described step by step. After mounting the base and linking subsequent segments, a frame is created. During production, the steel frame is treated with a zinc layer, which stops corrosion. This deterioration is mainly the result of permanent exposure of elements to moisture. Constructions made of steel pipes and profiles can perform for years. Mobility of hobby tunnels is achieved thanks to their low weight, as well as a simple dismantling process. Garden greenhouses can be relocated if needed. Moreover, thanks to their modular expansion system, structures can be enlarged if space is running out and limit cultivation possibilities for growers.
Profitable cultivation in a greenhouse
By adding expenses associated with the purchase of vegetables, fruits and herbs, it quickly turns out that the yearly amount more or less equals the price of a polytunnel! The cheapest greenhouse, with an area of 7.5 m2 only costs 121 EUR. For this amount, you get a complete construction that is more than solid enough to begin with. Over time, the pantry will start to fill up with preserves and other goodies. This represents a constant supply and access to healthy food, full of vitamins, as well as inexpensive being the result of your own work.