Growing green beans in tunnels

Growing green beans in tunnels

Growing green beans in tunnels begins much earlier than in outdoor plantations. Under favorable conditions, beans are already sown in a garden greenhouse in March, while in the open with a cold climate, growing is only possible from the second half of May. It is a very popular vegetable grown in tunnels and home gardens, unfortunately, being very seasonal, it is only available for a short time in  shops . Of course, we can make sure that it does not disappear from our kitchen by planting and nurturing it in greenhouses. With this step by step guide, we advise you how to best deal with a bean production.

Green bean growing periods in tunnel

The abundant yield of green beans depends on the cultivation methods used, dates and varieties. The early varieties are already sown in March in non-heated tunnels, in pots or multi trays. Seedlings are planted after 2 weeks, individually and after 10 days they are ready; just make sure to maintain a temperature between 18-20 ° C.

We plant stakes every two meters. This provides the plant with adequate air circulation. Which reduces humidity and therefore the chances of fungal infections. Rows are set every 50 – 70 cm, with a space of 20cm between plants and then cover with agro fabric to protect against frost.

In March we can sow beans in the tunnel directly into the ground to sprout under the foil. The soil temperature should be above 11 ° C. In the case of non-heated tunnels, the plant should be covered with agro textile. When the threat is over (at the end of May), we can remove it or leave it to optimize the growing process. The first harvest should take place after two months, with collection in weekly intervals.

Requirements of green beans in a garden tunnel

The soil for production of bean under cover should be lumpy. With a slightly acidic nutritional content but not less than 5.5. Growing plants on light soils and with a wet ground reduces yields significantly. An important factor to consider for the development of bean is the access to light. It is extremely sensitive to its shortage, so we plant it in sunny places.

Choice of bean variety for foil tunnels

Among the varieties of beans available on the market , choose those with a rigid and compact foliage. This feature makes it less prone to bending and breaking , a mature root system and a stronger base is important. The pods should be smooth, fleshy , fiberless and strongly colored.

Variety of green bean to grow on the plot can be divided by the height of the stem:

  • Low varieties – no need to put a frame to support the growth of the plant
  • High runner  – the plants need a pole or a hanging line that will support the growing plant.
Preparing beans for a crop stand under cover

Green bean is a thermophilous plant and needs a high temperature for germination. The range of 15 to 18 ° C is optimal first and during cultivation it is necessary to keep the temperature between 20 and 25 ° C. This is the most common method used for growing green beans, accelerating the harvest by one month. It is necessary to harden the seedling before planting and to properly fertilize the soil before sowing it in the tunnel. The plant does not tolerate any transplant so it is important to prepare a good site.

Care of green beans in the greenhouse

As the plant grows to 15 cm, dig the ground as for potatoes. With this process , the stalk will become stronger and less susceptible to damage. A large demand for water appears during sprouting. Do not water the ground roughly or use cold water as it reduces the phytosanitary condition of the substrate.

Fertilization of green beans in garden tunnels

With knowledge of the soil under cover, we can adjust the mineral balance. Beans have high nutritional requirements for phosphorus and potassium, while low for nitrogen. Recommended doses of mineral fertilizers are 200-300 kg NPK / ha in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. If the soil needs nitrogen, we introduce it at a single dose of 30-50 kg / ha, as the beans have a negative reaction to chlorides in the soil. Use K2O potassium sulphate in amount of 100-180 kg / ha and P2O5 in amount of 60-90 kg / ha. If there are any deficiencies in micronutrients during the development of the plant. They should be supplemented with fertilization of the leaf.

Protection of green beans in cultivation tunnel

Beans have quite a number of diseases and pests that feed on this plant. However, proper seed treatment reduces the chance of pathogens and pests. Among fungal diseases we can mention fusaric wilting, anthracnose, and rust of beans. Soil care and planned crop rotation protect crops from harmful fungi.

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