Professional foil greenhouse
A foil greenhouse is a modular construction, for any given plant and such structure can be enlarged and modernized any moment. This system of crop support, in spite of the costs, will start to generate revenues after some time. Optimizing plant development, creating conditions for growth. Fruiting and flowering enables small farms producing under cover to compete with large plantations. The end of august is the time when a farmer, gardener or grower must decide how to organise his garden tunnel. To avoid mistakes, we will review below the ones that are most often seen. We will explain and advice future greenhouse owners how to move to a higher level of crop production.
Buy the foil greenhouse at the right time
A private gardener has a much simpler choice than a farm-oriented grower. Small plastic tunnels are part of a basic offer by shops and manufacturers. While larger ones are only made to order. It must be understood that no matter what type of business. No one is able to produce a foil greenhouse overnight. Orders, price offers, permanent production are daily Krosagro activities. That is why it is so important to inform the recipient much earlier about the potential purchase. In order for him to receive the foil tunnel on time and at the right moment. That means making an order. Taking into account a production time for the greenhouse as well as delivery, assembly, preparation of the working area and beginning of crop cultivation.
A cheap foil tunnel or a solid and durable foil tunnel : the big difference.
Investing in a foil tunnel is by no means the easiest thing, as there are many horticultural goods on offer. Many stores, without thinking, come up with the same slogan “cheap tunnel“, “low price“, “solid pvc pipe tunnel” or “green plastic tunnel – cheap, solid and durable”. Many krosagro customers, familiar with polytunnels, have in the past experienced cheap products in comparison with multi-season reliable constructions. Not surprisingly, you might read later opinions of annoyed customers, whose frame was damaged by wind or snow. Having failed with their crop and instead of farming in comfortable conditions, such gardeners resign and regret the money spent.
Are greenhouses worth it?
Under cover production in foil greenhouse are constantly on the rise, year after year. The number and size of such constructions is growing as more and more people realize the benefits of owning a greenhouse. A simple calculation is enough to figure it out. Open field farming do not offer weather protection for plants, and most importantly, under cover, all vegetables, fruits and flowers can be planted early in march. Thermophilous plants have enough time to grow, get coloration and produce many fruits. While cultivating in a tunnel is called intensive. It means that a grower can fully adjust humidity and temperature to the plant’s needs. Without being dependent on the weather.
Costs associated with setting up a foil tunnel
The site for the garden tunnel must be properly prepared. Check the soil fertility, appropriately manage the area, consider buying technological devices to facilitate cultivation. Setting up a foil tunnel is not enough for plants to appear suddenly. This can be achieved with systematic and much more comfortable work than in open air production. Moreover, a watchful and attentive eye is needed to take care of plants adequately.
Agrotechnics have moved forward, small private gardeners now buy and install sprinklers, capillaries, drainage systems, temperature and humidity sensors. These are not big expenses, and two productive seasons will provide a return on investment.
A multi-season foil tunnel is designed for many years, construction quality prevails on savings.
Each structural element in every type of foil tunnel is made of tested hot-dip galvanized steel. The pipes and profiles components are certified and the entire structure is stable enough to withstand snowstorms. Heavy rain and intense gusts of wind. Technology used in large professional foil greenhouses is applied in small polytunnels. Krosagro also meets the standards of steel construction, and thanks to thoughtful designs. Tunnels turn out to be ideal for work and optimal for production.
- Construction of a polytunnel step by step
With the help of a manual, Krosagro modular systems are structures that can be easily assembled. Whether it is a small construction or a multi-bay foil tunnel. It is worth considering a production and assembly time, which sometimes literally do not depend on either side, but are rather weather related.
Many companies advise hiring employees to build a facility. However, this involves significant costs. True business grows with flexibility, so we have introduced good practises that will help you reduce costs. One of them is the on site allocation of building workforce. At the request of the company’s executive or their coordinator. It requires the payment of such personnel, and in relation with the investments being made. Such requirements must be taken into account at the beginning. The second solution is through phone and email contact with the designer, who conducts the whole building process from start to finish. This does not imply any major expenses for both sides.
Clear and transparent cooperation between manufacturer and beneficiary
From the first contact with the customer service department to the completion of the farming tunnel, we are constantly corresponding with the customer. Firstly, once requirements and criteria are agreed, we look for the most optimal and economical solution. Our task is to prove the investor that our effective construction will significantly improve crop production. Long-term experience and well-trained staff are the reason entrepreneurs, wholesalers and individual customers put their trust in us. And new and returning clients quickly come back for their next agricultural steel construction.