More than just a garden

More than just a garden

A family garden provides a source of fresh products without chemicals. But beyond the reward associated with harvesting, the gardens provide health, environmental and pleasure benefits for the gardener.

Benefits for the gardener

Easy access

A garden at home gives you instant access to fresh produce and you do not have to go to the supermarket to stock up on you and save you time. Depending on the vegetables you plant, you will also save on the food itself. Cultivation usually imposes expenses (seeds, supplies, fertilizers) but a plant often produces many products. A family garden also offers you new flavors and recipes.


Growing your own food gives you complete control over the chemicals and products used during the growth process. You can grow your own organic fruits and vegetables at home by avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides. You choose when to pick, unlike the product in store, often harvested before it is ripe. The flavor and quality will be superior to the products bought in store, organic or not. The product also retains more nutrients when consumed shortly after harvest.

Environmental impact

A garden allows you to have a positive impact on the environment. Waste and kitchen products will provide you compost, rich in nutrients for the garden and natural fertilizer for your plants. By banning chemicals, you reduce pollution and contamination of groundwater within your perimeter. Garden plants contribute greatly to reducing erosion by keeping the soil in place.


For many gardeners, vegetable growing in a polytunnel is a source of pleasure. Transforming a fallow into ripe products or beautiful plants provides a sense of satisfaction. For some, this relaxing activity relieves stress and improves mental health. Taking care of plants gives the whole family or friends, neighbors, a chance to work together. Gardening is also a form of moderate outdoor exercise not negligible.

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