Pea cultivation under cover

Pea cultivation under cover

Peas are one of the most popular legumes. Indispensable ingredient for salads and with its unique sweet taste and high health value. Peas have become a favourite in polytunnels. These small green drops are delicious even raw. But give dishes a unique aroma and flavour when combined with other vegetables. Most interestingly, peas are loved by children who, as we all know, are usually not so keen on vegetables. The seeds in the pods contain a large amount of vitamins B, C, E and K, as well as a lot of microelements. In addition, the excess crop can easily be frozen and used during winter months.

Soil for growing peas

As a climbing plant, it will not be exposed to wind in the polytunnel. As with high cultivars, it is best to tie it using twine and stakes. The peas will then have enough room to grow pods, with adequate lighting , resulting in the production of tasty round green seeds with high sugar content.

Peas are grown on loose soil with a permeable structure and a pH of 6 to 7.5. As a long day plant , it needs a lot of light, so sun exposure should be as long as possible.

Sowing peas

The plant needs a lot of sun to develop at each growing stage. Peas can enter the polytunnel when temperature inside is maintained at 2 ° C or more. Cultivation of peas from a seed is a long process, therefore many gardeners start with seedlings . Effective spacing is 30 x 20 cm alone or 40 x 40 cm when grown with fore crops. It is a plant with a long growing time, which is why it is often grown as a main crop. But if a whole area is destined for peas, you can previously grow spinach, lettuce or kale. It can be grown the first year after fertilizing with manure.

Conditions for crop and positioning

Make sure that the cultivating site for peas was not previously occupied by another legume. This is quite important because legumes suffer from quite a number of pathogens and pests that can wait during winter only to re appear in spring and thrive again on their host. Peas can be planted back to their first location after 4 years and after several fertilization treatments. It is best if temperature does not fall below 15 ° C. A fertile and humus-rich soil is the best substrate for this plant. Peas are sensitive to any water shortages, as well excessive dampness.

Pea variety

There are two types of cultivars: pea and sugar pea. The first is harvested in June and seeds in August. It has inedible pods, so only eat peas developing inside. Duet, Valor and Kadona, some of the most popular, are sweet and juicy varieties. The second type, the sugar pea, is entirely edible, because it is more delicate and can be eaten raw from the plant. It can also be preserved and frozen after proper thermal treatment. Hetman, Count and Baikka varieties are most often found as crops under cover.

Fertilization of green pea

When fertilizing peas, care must be taken. As a legume, it binds nitrogen from the atmosphere, so any addition of this element must be minimal. As far as mineral fertilizers are concerned, they are used with caution and before sowing.

When to harvest peas?

Approximately two weeks after the appearance of flowers, pods should be swollen and ready for harvest. When they reach an intense green color and small peas can be felt inside, then growers can be sure they are fully mature. Remember to harvest before color loss, as larger pods no longer grow and can only harden.

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