How to create a modern vegetable garden?

How to create a modern vegetable garden?

Until recently, vegetable gardens have been a permanent element of the landscape; however, for a short while, they disappeared from the backyards. Fortunately, it did not last too long, as they boldly conquered urban gardens. These days, vegetables and fruits are available in stores all year round, making it difficult to choose those that could be described as “healthy”. Of course, the whole range of eco, bio and organic products is boosted by pseudo-logos. But many of them are marketing tricks, used to make customers pay more for regular harvests. In contrast, local producers are offering healthy and tasty vegetables. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to such growers or eco-shops with a real purpose.


The advantages of vegetable gardens

Gardens bring benefits, especially health benefits. Every minute spent in the garden is worth the effort, and the visible effects become a source of pride. Which even spreads further. With effective care and experience. You can get crops free of artificial substances, chemical additives, preservatives, which means fully organic goods that taste completely different from the first bite. They might not always look as perfect as those from the store, but you can eat them without fear.

Tomato, kale, pak choi, lettuce, spinach, raspberries, and even scorzonera

Although everyone knows that systematic consumption of vegetables improves general health. Many people still develop a deficiency of vitamins in their body. Well, if we look realistically at the price of crops. It turns out that a family of three spends quite a lot on food in stores. Such a cost can be minimized, and even completely reduced after a few seasons. Year on year, more and more vegetables will get stored on the pantry’s shelves in the form of preserves, and any surplus can be given as a gesture of friendship or sold.

The low cost of plant production straight from seeds can be estimated at a few cents for one vegetable. Growing from seedlings, you speed up harvest time, but the cost is much higher. With more experience, you can try to produce the seeds yourself. For this purpose, propagators are used, and when plants grow, these are placed under cover.

Fresh and healthy plants straight from the garden patch

Every plant, even with the best packaging, loses a lot of its freshness after a few days, and sometimes they are lying for weeks on the store shelf. And that is what it is all about, because only fresh goods have the most intense aroma and flavor. It is only by picking them straight from the garden that we can keep all the qualities that will delight the palate and tickle the senses. Benefiting from a lot of vitamins and microelements at the same time. The polytunnel allows us to cultivate what we like. Even tropical and oriental plants can grow in a foil greenhouse. Have a look at the prices of some of them to understand how much you can save.

Activity in the open air

Many people run, practice yoga, go to the gym, lead a healthy lifestyle, opting for a specialized diet. Starting growing plants in a garden tunnel would be enough though to combine all factors that positively affect our body. If you do not like sport, running a garden plot is a great alternative. Digging the garden, cleaning and caring for plants are some of the best exercises.

Garden design – a vegetable garden

Tall garden beds, brick division, paths with cauliflower combined with spinach leaves, or maybe borage plants, next to them ripening strawberries or broad beans . The only limitation in this case is the imagination. Just look at Pinterest to see how interesting arrangements with vegetables can be performed. Here and there, you can plant one climbing plant or a fruit bush, adding an element that stands out from the others.

Polytunnelcan be easily integrated to your set up without damaging the view. It is necessary to plant low crops around it so that they do not obscure the cover, which should collect sunlight for as long as possible, in order to provide heated soil and air for the night.

Variations of shapes and colors

While browsing the internet, you can come across interesting arrangements where you can see the available options . Beetroot, in addition to being tasty, has long and colorful petioles. Cauliflower or broccoli during blooming look appealing. Lettuce and cabbage with leaves of different textures not only looks great, but also constitute a tasty addition to salads. There are many other plants to create a vegetable mosaic. With a little fantasy and unconventional thinking, a charming corner will emerge , generating a plethora of aroma.

Which plants to choose for the vegetable garden?

Here, it’s mainly what we like to eat and what the family expect. Each of the plants requires different soil conditions and positioning, but there are no major obstacle to fulfill these requirements. For this, we can create garden crates, called raised beds in England. The raised bed is easier to care for, because we do not have to bend down as low. In addition, one variety of plant (root, onion, cucurbita, etc.) can be grown next to each other, as they are separated by boards on each side.

When choosing crops, it is very important to know if they can grow side by side. For this purpose, coordinated-growing method and intensive cultivation are used.

Location and soil

The best growing site will be the one that is lit for a minimum of 6 hours. Places that are in the shades are not the best for starting a vegetable patch, as well as close proximity of trees whose roots take up a significant amount of water.

Concerning your plot, one of the important treatments that will improve yield is soil care. If the ground is too heavy, it must be loosened, by digging and adding peat. Fertilization with manure or compost or with the use of green fertilizers will also be vital. Such work is usually carried out in autumn. Spring is time for the following dose of compost, raking, sowing, planting and seedlings. First of all, we constantly take care of the raised beds, water them, mulch and look after the plants.

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