Growing parsley under cover is an incredibly simple process. Caring duties are similar to growing carrots, and as long as gardeners remember a few important tips, crops will develop optimally.
Growing parsley in a polytunnel
The end of March and April is the right time to plant parsley. When buying, two options are available: root or leaf. In the case of the first variety, the root and leaves can be harvested. As far as the second is concerned, roots are not useful, but leaves are much more abundant.
Parsley in a greenhouse
If November is mild, parsley can be planted. The seeds themselves are quite resistant to low temperatures, but they can not survive without cover during heavy frost. Spring sowing should take place before mid April, at the latest by the end of the month. In hobby polytunnels, you can start even earlier. Maintaining soil and air temperature above +4 deg C is sufficient. You will have to wait for a month to plant seedlings. During this time, weeds should be removed systematically as they could overgrow growing parsley leaves. Another way to fight weeds is to mix seeds together with radish or dill, which will rise quickly and become a rival for unwanted plants.
Planting parsley in a polytunnel
When sowing parsley, place seeds not too deep, otherwise it may grow slowly or not sprout at all. A depth of 1 cm should be enough. After covering the seeds thoroughly, compact the soil. Parsley develops much better in a firm ground.
Watering parsley in a greenhouse
In spring, when the ground is dry after winter, it is advisable to water . Planting parsley in a dry soil will delay its germination. After sowing, keep the substrate rather moist. It should also be remembered that too much water (and thus moisture) increases the risk of fungal infestation. From time to time, it is worth ventilating the tunnel, removing excess humidity. After emergence, parsley should be thinned out, in order for the plants not to obstruct each other. The rest of the cultivation process is simple. Just weed systematically, irrigate, work the soil around the plant with a hoe (if it becomes too heavy).
Harvest of parsley in a polytunnel
You can regularly harvest parsley throughout the summer. By planting it at different time intervals, gardeners always have access to fresh plants. In November, the last crop should be collected. If the plant is grown in a polytunnel, harvest can last until after the first frosts. Clean roots can be stored in a mound under sand or cut and frozen together with other vegetables.
Parsley from the plot
Both parsley root and leaves are components of many tasty recipes. They are usually used as a condiment that gives special flavor to dishes. In addition to those tasting values, parley contains a huge amount of vitamin A and C, as well as a large dose of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Juices from parsley are a real vitamin and mineral concentrate.